Magnetic Susceptibility measures a selected sample’s ability to hold a magnetic field. In archaeological occupations heat from burn features, such as hearths, alters the magnetic properties of surrounding sediments making them detectible through this method. Magnetic Susceptibility can also be used to detect environmental changes through time. Heavier magnetic particles tend to be deposited in time periods where higher degrees of weathering take place. This technique has been used to examine periods of higher and lower weathering intensity on a landscape level as well as to locate archaeological activity areas.
NLURA utilizes Bartington Magnetic Susceptibility equipment including:
- MS2B Laboratory Unit
- MS2K Field Unit
In general lab units have the ability to produce more precise data using multiple frequencies and frequency dependence data. Field units on the other hand have the ability to produce accurate data in real time, making them ideal for prospection and testing.
All data collected with these instruments is processed using Bartington Analysis software.